If you would like to give to support the ministry please check out our giving options below.
This is where you can give to the Growing True Disciples ministry. Be aware that we are currently not a 501(c)(3) organization, so any donation you give is not tax deductible. As soon as we have our 501(c)(3) status we will update the site.
This is where you can personally give to Nathan Wiggins. Be aware that donations given to Nathan personally are not tax deductible.
Give to the Growing True Disciples Ministry
This is where you can give to the Growing True Disciples ministry. Be aware that we are currently not a 501(c)(3) organization, so any donation you give is not tax deductible. As soon as we have our 501(c)(3) status we will update the site.
Give to Nathan Wiggins Personally

This is where you can personally give to Nathan Wiggins. Be aware that donations given to Nathan Personally are not tax deductible.