The Cycle of Devotion
Devotion to God is not a destination we reach but a journey we go on every day. Work through the cycle of devotion as a way to pursue total devotion to God.
Don't be the villain in your devotion story! Work through the cycle of devotion and improve your relationship with God today.
Working through the devotion cycle is as simple as 1,2,3!
Desire wholehearted devotion to God. Ask Him, "what do I need to work on now?"
Wholehearted Devotion
It all starts with a heart that wants to live for God. God has placed in you a desire to live with total devotion to Him. Our job is to partner with Him and make this desire a reality. That's why we use the phrase wholehearted devotion; it gives you a clear objective to aim towards and clarifies God's call on our lives. We live out wholehearted devotion by asking Jesus, "what do I need to work on now?"
From a place of devotion to God, we look at our behaviors and identify what behaviors need to be removed, implemented, or improved.
Once we identify which behaviors we need to address, we look for the appropriate skills to help us improve our behaviors.
Skill definition: Any human behavior that can be improved over time
Skill definition: The techniques and tools we use to improve our behaviors
We can grow and maintain our devotion to Jesus as we practice relevant skills. Once we have practiced the skill, we start over from wholehearted devotion to God and ask, "What do I need to work on next?
After reviewing the list of behaviors, you realize you need to stop second-guessing yourself so much.
You click on the second-guessing behavior and begin to practice the skill of decision-making.
After you work through the skill of decision-making, you ask God, "what do I need to work on next?" and work the cycle of devotion again.