Build skills that help you expand your wisdom, knowledge of God, and love for God
Wholehearted Devotion to God requires continually expanding our wisdom, knowledge about God, and love for God.
Any relationship worth having is a relationship worth investing in. Our relationship with God is no exception. And any relationship that has truly been invested in will grow and expand. When we build skills that invest in our relationship with God, our love for Him will expand, our knowledge of Him will expand, and we will become wiser. We work through each skill by either working through the skill's documents or interacting with the skill's videos.
Build the Skill of Belief
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Believe Lies about your ability to grow
Unsure of what you believe about growth and improvement
Unsure of why you believe what you believe about growth and improvement
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Believe truth concerning your growth
Self Awareness: You know what you believe about growth and improvement and why you believe it
Weekly Review (Short): Review your week to improve your beliefs.
Weekly Review (Long): Review your week to improve your beliefs.
In-depth: Dig deep to discover what you actually believe. This may take some time, but it will be worth it!
Click here to download the Skill of Belief In-depth document
Skill Building Videos for Belief
Skill Building Videos for Belief

How to Build the Skill of Belief

What is Belief? | How Can I Tell If My, or Other, Beliefs are True?

Why Right Beliefs Matter | How to IDENTIFY and IMPROVE Your Beliefs

What's in a Why? | The POWER of Belief
Build the Skill of Goal Setting
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Directionless: uncertain about your future and your ability to get there
Hopeless: you don’t think things can/will get better
You set poor or unrealistic goals concerning your growth
Stagnation and decline: You are getting worse over time
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Hopeful: you believe you can achieve what you set out to do
Planning: you have direction for your future
Self-improvement through goal setting: You get better over time
You set great, achievable goals for your growth
Vision for your future: you know where you can go and how you can get there
Goal Setting: Learn the difference between goals and desires to help you create better goals.
Skill Building Videos for Goal Setting
Skill Building Videos for Goal Setting

How to Set Goals // Set BETTER Goals by Avoiding this SIMPLE Mistake

Struggling to Achieve Your Goals? Learning THIS May Help | How to Build the Skill of Goal Setting
Skill Building Video for Integrity
Skill Building Video for Integrity

How to Build the Skill of Integrity | Keys to Help You Do the Right Thing
Build the Skill of Integrity
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
- You self-sabotage your growth
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Self improvement Integrity: You use honesty to stop self-sabotaging behaviors
Integrity: Improve your integrity by learning how to walk the integrity pathway
Click here to download the Skill of Integrity document
Click here to see how I answer the Skill of Integrity questions
Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Reading stories in the Bible is boring
You have a hard time understanding stories in the Bible
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Biblical literacy: able to rightly read and understand Biblical narrative
Reading Biblical stories is fun
Biblical Narrative: Follow along with our podcast to improve your ability to read narratives in the Bible. The document below can be used independently of the podcast but works best in conjunction with it.
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative | Skill Building Videos
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative | Skill Building Videos

Ep. #11 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative: Background Information and Rep #1

Ep. 12 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative: Rep #2

Ep. 13 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Narrative: Rep #3
Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Reading poetry in the Bible is boring
You have a hard time understanding poetry in the Bible
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Biblical literacy: able to rightly read and understand Biblical poetry
Reading Biblical poetry is fun
Biblical Poetry: Follow along with our podcast to improve your ability to read poetry in the Bible. The document below can be used independent of the podcast, but works best in conjunction with it.
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry | Skill Building Videos
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry | Skill Building Videos

Ep. #5 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry: Additional Background Information

Ep. #6 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry: Background Information and Reps # 1-2

Ep. #7 | How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Poetry: Reps# 3-4
Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Prose Discourse (Laws and Letters)
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Reading the letters and the law in the Bible is boring
You have a hard time understanding the letters and the law in the Bible
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
Biblical literacy: able to rightly read and understand Biblical laws and letters
Reading Biblical laws and letters is fun
Biblical Prose Discourse: Follow along with our podcast to improve your ability to read prose discourse (laws and letters) in the Bible. The document below can be used independently of the podcast but works best in conjunction with it.
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Prose Discourse | Skill Building Videos
How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Prose Discourse | Skill Building Videos

Ep. 18 Letters & Law: How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Prose Discourse // Additional Info

Ep. 19 Letters & Law: How to Build the Skill of Reading Biblical Prose Discourse // Intro and Rep #1

Ep. 20 A Picture of Slavery in the Bible: Reading Biblical Prose Discourse // Rep #2

Ep. 21 How Relevant Are the Ten Commandments Today? Reading Biblical Prose Discourse // Rep #3
Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills
Overview: This skill helps you...
Remove negative behaviors such as:
Afraid to self-reflect
You have a hard time identifying behaviors you need to work on
Unaware of what you do well or what you do poorly
Implement or improve positive behaviors such as:
You do a great job of identifying behaviors you need to work on
Self-aware about what you do well and what you do poorly
You self-reflect with confidence
Recognizing Skills: Follow along with our podcast to improve your ability to recognize skills in your life. The document below can be used independently of the podcast but works best in conjunction with it.
How to Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills | Skill Building Videos
How to Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills | Skill Building Videos

Ep. #1 | How to Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills: Background Information and Rep #1

Ep. #2 | How to Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills: Reps #2-3

Ep. #3 | How to Build the Skill of Recognizing Skills: Reps# 4-6 and Conclusion