Partners in Discipleship
Why do alone what can be done better as a team?
I desire that everyone who interacts with this ministry live as a growing true disciple. But I'm not foolish enough to think I can do that alone. That's why I am endorsing other people and organizations. I believe these brands can help you in areas where the ministry of Growing True Disciples does not specialize. I trust that the brands represented on this page will equip you with the additional resources you need to live as a flourishing disciple of Jesus, wholly devoted to Him. I am still filling out a few areas, so if you see a section where a ministry is not mentioned, please send me a few recommendations, and I'll try to look into them!
Below are two graphics; each shows disciplines in which a disciple should be knowledgeable. This is not a comprehensive list, but these are disciplines that I believe have great value in the life of a disciple. Click on the text below the graphic to get more information about how each brand can help you in the specified area.
Essential Disciplines

*Note: you can only open one Read More tab at a time.*
Biblical Literacy (How to read and apply the Bible)
How to read and understand the Bible
Practical application
Making disciples/leading others
Living as a disciple/following others
The skills of a disciple
Growing True Disciples (This site)
Who are you in Christ?
How to be a godly man
How to be a godly woman
How to Relate to God
Prayer and hearing God
Grow and maintain wholehearted devotion to Jesus ​
Growing True Disciples (This site)​
Navigating Relationships

Worldwide Missions
Career Advancement
Living out your calling
General career advice
Music and the Arts